Custom Tuning, Upgrades, & Setup Help

This is the fun part: this is where we find you that extra edge. We can take already good suspension and make it even better with tuning tailored to your needs. We can also help you demystify suspension settings and get you on a dialed setup.

Custom Tuning

A mountain bike rear shock being tuned

Every rider is unique. On top of that, there’s a huge variety in trails, conditions, and trail speeds. Custom tuning allows your suspension to be tailored to you and your riding.

Some examples where you would be a good candidate for a custom tune

  • Getting an aftermarket shock to pair perfectly with a frame’s kinematics.

  • Getting a shorter travel bike to hold up like a bigger bike in rough terrain & faster trail speeds.

  • Lightweight riders often find their suspension to be over damped. If you find yourself running low pressures and damping adjustments all the way open (-)

  • Heavier riders often find their suspension to be under damped. If you find yourself running high pressures and damping adjustments all the way closed (+)

  • Faster than most riders? Racing at a high level? We can help you get more support and composure out of your suspension with compression, rebound, and spring tuning.

  • Sending massive gaps, drops, and features? We’ll give you better landing gear.

Bike with Vorsprung Smashpot


Get that extra bit of performance or a different suspension feel with these upgrades. They might just take your riding to a whole other level.

vorsprung tuning logo

Vorsprung Elite Tuning Center

We’re one of eight Elite Tuning Partners (and the first) in the United States for Vorsprung suspension products. We’ve partnered with the Vorsprung team to provide riders the Tractive Tune experience and their numerous other suspension upgrades.

What is the Tractive tune? It’s a proprietary method of calculating the perfect tune for your rider weight, frame kinematics, geometry, and riding style. You can learn more about the Tractive Tune here and everything that goes into a Tractive Tune.

rockshox fork

Suspension Setup Help

Feeling a bit lost when it comes to suspension setup? Looking for an optimal setup that you can just “set and forget”? Or are you just looking to learn more about suspension setup in general from an expert?

Our suspension techs understand the relationships between spring rate, rebound, compression, balance, and real world trail feel. Consult with our techs, we can help you find your ideal suspension setup.

Alternatively, if you’re on the hunt for extra traction or support out of a suspension setup (that may already be in a good starting place) - We’ll help you get there. We offer personal tuning session to dial in your suspension to what you’re after and the trails you ride. We offer personalized setup session with the Quarq ShockWiz with more setup options on the way.

Let’s get you dialed. We’re here to help.


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